Wednesday, 31 December 2008


Lebih kurang jam 3 pagi waktu NZ dan 10 malam waktu Malaysia Ani text beritahu Afiqah n Aqmar dah selamat sampai dan tengah makan KFC kat Airport. Uncle Salim yang belanja. Alhamdulillah. Selagi ummi tak tahu dia orang dah sampai, selagi tu lah tido ummi macam lena tak lena jer.

Dah malam baru ummi telefon dia orang, seronok betul ....pagi2 keluar pegi makan roti canai n tose kat Bukit Baru. Lepas tu makan nasi ayam claypot kat Jusco pulak. Pegi shopping pakaian sekolah, maklumlah sekolah dah nak bermula tak lama lagi.

Sukanya Baby dapat tose n milo ais.

Dik, best tak tose tu? Kesian Luqman....!

Wah..wah..nasi ayam claypot ke mee claypot tu??? Sedapnya.

Macam sedih jer nak sekolah???!!

Baju n seluar Ikhwan buat melepas rindu. Baju untuk Baby n Seluar untuk Afiqah.

Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Selamat Pulang ke Tanahair Anak2ku

Lepas sarapan ala kadar kami ke rumah lama untuk ambik semua luggage2 Afiqah n Baby. Masih ada lagi yang belum dimasukkan ke dalam beg dan ummi kena finalise semua luggage ni. Yati dan Zainol serta anak2 singgah dalam perjalanan ke Uni untuk ucap Selamat Jalan. Terimakasih. Sampai di airport kami terus timbang semua luggage dan alhamdulillah tak lebih 50 kilo. Syukurlah daging korban mama pun dapat diselitkan dalam beg tu, dapat mama merasa daging korban. Lepas tu kami terus check in dan ayah kena isi borang untuk "Young Passenger Travelling Alone". Selesai tu kami ke kaunter Special Needs untuk confirmkan pukul berapa assistant akan bawa afiqah n Baby ke gate untuk boarding. Kata Sosefina (pegawai bertugas), kamu bolehlah pegi makan tengahari dulu dan datang semula ke sini jam 1. Jadi kami keluar ke pekan Mangere, Afiqah kata, "Mum this would be the last time I go shopping with you here in New Zealand." Sedih hati Ummi, Afiqah memang bagus dalam soal shopping, dia tahu nak pilih barang, tahu harga mana yang sesuai, pendekata tahulah cara2 shopping yang ekonomi sesuai dengan keadaan. Lebih kurang pukul 1 kami dah sampai semula ke kaunter berkenaan dan Louis Phoon ditugaskan untuk bawak Afiqah n Baby ke gate. Ummi cuma hantar sampai ke pintu berlepas ..... sabar ya anak2, moga Allah lindungi perjalanan kalian. Sebelum berpisah macam2 ummi pesan, hati ibu mana yang tak risau melepaskan anak2 sendiri merentas lautan. Tapi insyallah Ummi yakin, sebesar mana kasih sayang Ummi, besar lagi kasih sayang Allah terhadap anak2. Ummi pasti kalian dalam jagaan DIA.
Petangnya Ummi asyik menghitung waktu yang berlalu ....apalah yang anak2 ummi buat dalam flight tu?? Bilalah nak sampai??? Ok ke dia orang????

Monday, 29 December 2008

Menanti detik itu

Seawal pagi aku terima text dari Sharon. Ha leganya, memang dah lama nak beritahu dia anak dara dua org ni nak balik tapi tak berkesempatan. So Sharon pun datang rumah dan sempatlah bertukar cerita walaupun tak lama. Petangnya kami terima kunjungan Anas, Hafizah dan keluarga untuk mengucapkan Selamat Jalan buat Afiqah dan Aqmar. Moga kemesraan yang terjalin Allah eratkan dengan tali silaturrahim yang berpanjangan.

Sunday, 28 December 2008

Memetik Strawberri

Ayah n Ikhwan
Afiqah n Baby

Luqman n Afiqah

Adik n Ummi

Mungkin ini program memetik strawberi yang terakhir untuk Adik n Baby. Insyallah jika dimurahkan rezeki dan dipanjangkan umur, yakni dengan keizinan Allah maka dapatlah korang petik strawberi lagi, tapi bila dan di mana???Wallahualam. Undang2 Ummi untuk petik strawberi ... 1. Bawa 1 baldi sahaja 2. Ummi sahaja yang boleh petik strawberi untuk dibawa pulang 3. Anak2 boleh makan dan petik sebanyak mana strawberi yang dia org suka tapi tak boleh masuk baldi. SEBABnya takut tercampur yang elok dan tak elok ...nanti strawberi cepat rosak. Kali ni kami gi petik strawberi ramai2 ....ada famili Rizwan n Azizah, Anas n Hafizah, Syed n Najmah, Zainol n Yati, Azizi n Sarina, Kam n Zila, Azizi n Zaimah. Memang ramai tapi bila dah mula petik strawberi dah tak nampak org lain sebab asyiklah terbongkok-bongkok menyelak cari buah merah tu. Sakit pinggang dibuatnya tapi nak sangat petik ...hah..petiklah. Ada jugak strawberi yang dah dipetik dan dibuang kat tepi2 batas tu...sapa punya kerja??? Tak tahulah. Sayang...membazir jer. Kalau tak nak makan, janganlah petik. Ni petik tamak2, pas tu buang jer.

Thursday, 25 December 2008


Rakan2 Bukit ingin meraikan kepulangan Afiqah n Baby ke tanahair. Walaupun hakikatnya ummi sedih namun di masa yang sama ummi gembira anak2 ummi dapat jumpa kawan2 sebelum pulang. BBQ dibuat di rumah Anas n Hafizah. Dalam kesibukan kami nak berpindah, sempat juga nak berBBQ tu. Baby seronok dapat bermain dengan Sasha buat kali terakhir...baru kasih nak bertaut, dah nak balik Malaysia. Takpe Sasha, ada ramai lagi kawan2 kat Auckland ni. Dapat jugak Baby n Afiqah makan roti canai Pakcik Syed. Kalau dah balik Malaysia, tak heran dah dengan roti canai, hari hari pun boleh makan.

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Ketepatan Masa/Punctuality

Ntah kenapa tetiba teringat masa mengajar dulu.... kalau pasal masa, aku memang strict. Tak bagi chance langsung. Lambat masuk kelas, pintu kunci. Mana taknya, kita yang datang 45 minit perjalanan naik kereta dah sampai, student yang duduk dalam kampus baru terhegeh-hegeh nak datang. Nak belajar ke tak nak? Sapa kena tunggu sapa? Kat mana rasa hormat terhadap orang yang memberi ilmu? Bukanlah nak mintak dihormati sangat tapi hormatilah waktu dan ilmu tu. Kami yang mengajar dibayar atas tiap minit tu jadi kalau dah terkurang seminit dua, camana nak jawab kat akhirat nanti? Semua tu kena fikir, kalau setakat kena menjawab kat bos tak pe lagi, tapi nak menjawab kat Allah tu yang payah nanti.
Selalunya aku bagi analogi para askar tentera, kelayakan nak jadi askar biasa ..... lulus S.R.P pun boleh terima. Kalau dibandingkan ngan yang belajar kat Pusat Pengajian Tinggi, memang sahlah yang masuk Uni tu lebih tinggi pendidikannya. Cuba bayangkan kalau askar tu tak peduli pasal masa semasa berlakunya peperangan, apa akan jadi?? Ketua kata pukul 20 dah kena berada di khemah utama tapi dia orang buat tak reti jer, silap2 boleh kena ambush ngan musuh. Student pulak, cikgu kata pukul 8 mula kelas, buat tak reti jer....tak jadi apa pun. Relaks lah.. Kesimpulannya, kalau student yang dah masuk uni tapi tak tahu nak hormat masa, itu tandanya dia lebih b@#*l dari askar yang cuma lulus S.R.P tadi. Walaupun cuma berbekalkan sijil S.R.P tapi dia lebih bijak menghargai dan menghormati masa. Kalau dia tak bijak, boleh hancur negara bila berlakunya peperangan.

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

KIWI - Actinidia deliciosa

Kiwi muda kat pokok

Green Kiwi

Buah yang akan dirindui bilamana berada di Malaysia. Kat Malaysia buah kiwi ni rasanya tak semanis yang di sini. Mungkin yang diekspot tu yang dah saki baki kot, rasa dia masam. Buah ni elok dimakan terutama bagi baby atau kanak-kanak yang susah nak buang air besar/sembelit.

Common Names: Kiwifruit, kiwi, Chinese gooseberry, Yang-tao.

Related species: Hardy Kiwi (Actinidia arguta, A. kolomikta), Chinese Egg Gooseberry (A. coriacea), Red Kiwi (A. melanandra), Silver Vine (A. polygama), Purple Kiwi (A. purpurea).

Origin: The kiwifruit is native to the Yangtze River valley of northern China and Zhejiang Province on the coast of eastern China. The first seeds were brought out of China by missionaries to New Zealand at the turn of this century. Early nurserymen in New Zealand, such as Alexander Allison, Bruno Just, and Hayward Wright, recognized the potential of the fruit and it soon became a popular backyard vine. Several plants were sent to the Chico Plant Introduction Station in California and exist to this date. In addition to New Zealand and California, kiwifruit is also grown commercially in such areas as Italy, South Africa and Chile.

Adaptation: The plants need a long growing season (at least 240 frost-free days) which will not be hampered by late winter or early autumn freezes. When fully dormant they can withstand temperatures to about 10° F (and perhaps a bit lower.) However they must acclimate to cold slowly and any sudden plunge in temperature may cause trunk splitting and subsequent damage to the vine. Late winter freezing temperatures will kill any exposed buds which limits the adaptable growing areas of kiwifruit. In California the kiwifruit is an appropriate crop wherever citrus fruits, peaches and almonds are successful. All cultivars need a certain period of winter chilling and their needs vary dramatically, dependent upon cultivar. The most popular cultivar, Hayward, does best with a winter rest of 800 hours of chilling (defined as total hours between 32° and 45° F.) For warm winter areas with low chill hours (such as southern California, southern Texas, and Florida), cultivars such as Elmwood, Dexter, Abbott, or Vincent would be more suitable. In very mild winter areas the vines may retain their leaves and fail to flower the following season. Kiwi vines can be successfully grown in large containers.

DESCRIPTION Growth Habit: In the forests where it is native, the plant is a vigorous, woody, twining vine (liana) or climbing shrub. It is not unusual for a healthy vine to cover an area 10 to 15 feet wide, 18 to 24 feet long and 9 to 12 feet high. In cultivation it is supported on a trellising system.

Foliage: The large, deep green, leathery leaves are oval to nearly circular and 7 to 10 inches in diameter. Young leaves and shoots are coated with red hairs, while mature leaves are dark green and hairless on the upper surface, downy-white with prominent, light colored veins beneath.

Flowers: The large (1 to 2 inch diameter), white to cream colored flowers are somewhat fragrant and produced as singlets to triplets in the leaf axiles. The flowering period extends over several weeks from early May to June, depending on climatic conditions. The plants are dioecious, bearing either male or female flowers, thus needing plants of both sexes to produce fruit. Self-fruiting males are known to exist but produce less desirable fruit.

Fruit: The oval, ovoid or oblong fruit is up to 2-1/2 inches long, with russet-brown skin densely covered with short, stiff brown hairs. The flesh, firm until fully ripe, is glistening, bright green or sometimes yellow, brownish or off-white, except for the white, succulent center from which radiate many fine, pale lines. Between these lines are scattered minute dark-purple or nearly black seeds, unnoticeable in eating. The flavor is sweet/tart to acid, somewhat like that of the gooseberry with a suggestion of strawberry.

CULTURELocation: Kiwifruit will tolerate part shade but prefer a sunny location where they can ramble across some type of trellising system. The vines should be protected from strong winds. Spring gusts can snap off new growth where it emerges from the canes. Kiwifruit is not recommended for the hot dessert climates of the Southwest.

Site Preparation: Kiwifruit plants need a substantial trellis, patio cover, or other permanent place to grow upon. For the trellis system, either a single wire or T-bar system can be installed. Both have a 4 inch by 4 inch redwood post of 8 feet. For the T-bar, a 2 inch by 6 inch crossarm about 4 feet long is bolted in place. Bury the post 2 feet into the ground and cement in if at all possible. At each end of the system, a cemented deadman should be in place. Run wires across the posts and anchor tautly to the deadman. When using a patio cover, no extra trellising needs to be in place. Simply run the plant up a corner post to the top and allow the plant to then form a spoke work of shoots which would resemble an umbrella.

Soils: Kiwifruit prefer somewhat acid (pH 5 - 6.5), well-drained soils that are rich in organic matter. The leaves may show nitrogen deficiency if the soil is too basic. The plants do not tolerate salty soils.

Irrigation: Kiwifruit plants need large volumes of water during the entire growing season but must also be in well-drained soils. Watering regularly in the heat of the summer is a must. Never allow a plant to undergo drought stress. Symptoms of drought stress are drooping leaves, browning of the leaves around the edges, and complete defoliation with regrowth of new shoots when the stress is continuous. More plants probably die from water related problems than any other reason.

Fertilization: Plants are heavy nitrogen feeders which should be applied in abundance during the first half of the growing season. Late season applications of nitrogen will enhance fruit size but are discouraged as the fruit then tends to store poorly. In basic soils, a citrus and avocado tree fertilizer should be broadcast about the vine and watered in well in early March. Follow up the initial fertilizing by supplemental additions to early summer. In other areas, use a high nitrogen fertilizer which contains trace elements unless it is known that the particular soil is deficient in another nutrient. Mulching with manures and/or straws is very beneficial. However, do not put the mulch directly in contact with the vine as crown rot will occur.
Pruning: For best fruit production, pruning in the winter is a must. All pruning techniques are usually based on a "cane replacement" and differ only based on the trellising method used. Kiwi vines need to be supported and this is usually done in one of three ways: single wire, 3-5 wire on a T-bar system, or onto a patio cover. In all cases, one stem is trained up to a wire at six feet and then allowed to grow along the wire. When growth ends in a "pig-tailing" of the shoot, it is cut behind the entanglement and new a shoot allowed to grow from a leaf base. After two years multiple shoots will now emerge from the lateral mainline. During the growing season, each lateral cane will send out a new shoot about 1/3 of the way from its own starting point. The next winter, prune off the older cane at the point that it connects with last summers new shoot. Repeat this every year.

Propagation: Seeds from store bought fruit may be planted in the spring. This should be done in a fine, somewhat sandy planter mix which is kept moist but not soaking wet. Seed germinates in 4 to 5 weeks. Plants raised this way will need to be grafted the following season to produce better, known sex, plants. Nursery bought plants are usually either grafted or cutting grown. Both types have their own attributes. One slight advantage of the cutting grown plants would be advantageous to growers in areas that experience winter freeze problems. If a plant is killed to the ground, a cutting grown plant that survives will regrow from the roots and thus maintain its known characteristics. Otherwise, either type is acceptable to backyard growers.
Pests and diseases: Kiwifruit plants are relatively free from problems, possibly due to their lack of heavy planting into areas so that pests begin to take a liking to the leaves, trunk, or roots. One odd problem is the fact that the trunks have a catnip-like aroma which cats love to rub against. When plants are small, this can be a problem as they can rub off any new shoots which emerge in the spring. Garden snails can also be a problem on younger plantings. Other pests include deer browsing on the leaves and gophers attacking the roots. Scale insects can also be a problem if populations build up too extensively. Where present, root-rot nematodes will reduce plant vigor.

Harvest: Ripening depends both on cultivar grown and local climatic conditions. Commercially, the fruit is harvested mature-ripe when its soluble sugars reach 6.5 brix on a refractometer. For the home grower it is best to wait for harvest until at least November 1, but November 15 would be preferable. Seed inside should be fully black by this time. If available, a specifically designed fruit ripening bowl can be used to quickly ripen a few fruit to see if the rest of the crop is ready to be picked. Once harvested, place the hard fruit into plastic bags and put into the refrigerator for keeping. When needed, the fruit can be taken out of the refrigerator and ripened on the counter for a few days in a plastic bag. Well stored fruit can last for several months. The long keeping qualities of the fruit made world wide shipment possible and heavy planting of the Hayward variety brought the fruit into recognition.
FemalesBy far, the best cultivar is the New Zealand Hayward. It is the standard grown by the world. However, it does require extensive winter chilling which may not be available to the plant in your area. For areas which test the cold limits of the plant, the Saanicheon (developed in British Columbia, Canada) is said to survive where Hayward has failed. For low winter chilling areas, the opposite problem is encountered. Tested cultivars that have proven to fruit well include Elmwood, Dexter, Abbott, Tewi, and Vincent, among others. For areas with the potential for early autumn freezes, perhaps the Blake, which can ripen up to 6 weeks ahead of the Hayward, would prove to be valuable. Other named New Zealand cultivars include Allison, Bruno, Gracie, and Monty.
A closely related species to the deliciosa, called Actinidia chinensis, has recently become available from China. They are virtually fuzz-free and some cultivars are pure yellow inside instead of the normal emerald green. Work to date show these to be quite fruitful in the low winter chill areas and are becoming a promising alternative. Maintenance and care would be the same for both species.
MalesTwo basic New Zealand males are used. The Matua (father in the Maori language of New Zealand) is the most common in commercial orchards. It is a mid-season cultivar which begins a bit before the Hayward flowers and extends for several weeks. The other cultivar, Tomuri (late blooming in Maori), extends the male pollen season.
In California, one might encounter the Chico male which is quite acceptable. Other males which may be encountered are the M-Series from New Zealand and the CC Early Male. Specific growing sites might encourage one to plant a specific male due to the blossom timing of the females. Specific males are available for the chinensis species but males from either species will pollinize each other as long as their bloom periods coincide.

Tuesday, 16 December 2008


Hari ni Luqman balik sekolah bawak piala/trophy. Wah piala apa pulak tu Luq? Memang Ummi tahu hari ni ada Prize Giving Day kat Wesley Intermediate tapi Ummi tak sangkalah Aluq akan naik pentas untuk terima award ni. Alhamdulillah, ummi macam percaya tak percaya jer tapi ummi tahu kemampuan Luqman. Pasal membaca memang Luqman juara, kebanyakan buku yang dia baca adalah pada level untuk remaja. Dari kecik pun Luqman memang rajin dan tekun, kerja sekolah dia semua selesai. Cuma yang buat ummi terkedu tu ialah macam mana Aluq boleh dapat award untuk Language sehingga boleh menandingi "Kiwi2/omputih" yang ada kat sini. Pada piala tu dah di tulis nama "Ahmad Mohamad" jadi insyallah kalau Aluq ada peluang untuk datang ke sini di masa akan datang, dapatlah tengok piala tu kat sekolah sebab ia merupakan piala pusingan. Piala J.K.Grout tu bermula dari tahun 1977 sehinggalah 2008 iaitu lebih kurang 31 tahun dah.
Ahmad Luqman, piala, sijil dan buku.


Ikhwan suka piala tu....insyallah giliran Ikhwan akan tiba begitu juga Afiqah n Aqmar
Moga kemenangan Luqman ni akan merangsang semangat adik-adik dan ummi gembira Aluq dapat buktikan bahawa tidak mustahil untuk mencapai kejayaan itu. Sekurang-kurangnya Aluq boleh buktikan pada ayah bahawa bukan dia sorang jer yang boleh dapat hadiah setiap tahun tapi Aluq pun boleh. Harap2 lepas ni Aluq boleh tandingi ayah menyandang gelaran "penembak terbaik" dan "rekrut terbaik" pulak .... semua tu adalah sejarah.

Sunday, 14 December 2008

New Plymouth - Auckland

In the morning after checking out from the Motel, we went to Pukekura Park. We wish we have this park in Auckland because it is very beautiful. It is a long walk but we enjoy it very much. There'll be a TSB Bank festival of Lights (annually, December to February) in this park starting tonight but but we won't be able to be here since we'll be on our way home.

Pintu masuk Pukekura Park. Kakak Baby n Ikhwan

Persediaan untuk TSB Light Festival

Man made waterfall in Pukekura Park

Main lake - Fountain background

There's a small zoo called Brookland Zoo in this park. we enjoy the visit to this Zoo. There are several types of animals such as monkeys, donkey, goat, sheep, ducks, chicken and a few others.

Pintu masuk Zoo

Then we go round the city and after that we start our journey home.

We are now at Mokau.

Time :2.54 p.m.

Mileage : 87555

We are now at the beach

We are now at Awakino

Time :2.59 p.m

Mileage : 87560

We stopped at Pamako Scenic River.

Time :3.30p.m

Mileage : 87602

We eat our lunch and Dad take a nap.

We stopped at Waitomo Big Apple to have ice cream

Time : 4.16 p.m

Mileage : 87809

Weather : Cloudy

We are now at Manukau.

Finally we arrived at Auckland

Time: 7.30 p.m

Mileage : 87832

Fuel : NZ70.24

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Perjalanan Ke New Plymouth

Ini adalah catatan perjalanan Aqmar. Kebiasaannya setiap kali anak2 nak ke mana2, mereka dikehendaki menyediakan kertas cadangan dan membuat catatan perjalanan. Kali ni Aqmar merupakan pencatatnya. Ayah buat macam ni bertujuan untuk melatih anak2 ........ susah jugak bila dapat ayah yang pernah dapat latihan ketenteraan ni. Mujur ayah bukan tentera. Tapi ummi setuju sebab ini dapat melatih mereka dalam banyak perkara. Mengajar Geografi, Bahasa, Matematik dll secara praktikal.
Date : 13 December, 2008
Time : 9.20 a.m.
Driver : Mohamad Minhat (Dad)
Transport : Nissan Tino Exx xxx
Mileage : 87012
Passenger : Afidah(Mum), Luqman, Afiqah, Aqmar(Me) and Ikhwan
Weather : Sunny
At 9.53 we are at Manukau moving to SH1 (Mileage 87031)
We stopped at Otorohanga to take some pictures.
Baby Aqmar
Dad, Ikhwan n Luqman

Luqman, Ikhwan, Afiqah, Mum n Aqmar at Otorohanga Library
We arrived at Te Kuiti at 1.35 p.m (Mileage 87212)

TeKuiti Shearing Capital of The World

We stopped at BP Station for fuel (69.76)
We took photos at Te Kuiti Shear Cutting
Everything is under control. We have passed many cows and sheeps. I saw baby sheep.
Arorangi Whitebait Country (Mileage 87207 )
We passed Piopio Village at (mileage 87230).
Awakino (mileage 87283)
We are now at Mokau Village. There's a nice view of Mt Taranaki.
We arrived at New Plymouth at 3.41 p.m Mileage 87364. First we looked for Puke Ariki the i SITE, museum, library and visitor information centre. After gathering some info Dad searched for vacancies at Holiday Park. Full. End up staying at Lockwood Motel. We went for a walk at New Plymouth coastal Walkway. It is a 7 km walkway along NP scenic coastline but we just go for a short walk. We saw big rollers crashing onto the shore.

Aqmar n Ikhwan(Mt Taranaki - background)

In the lift - PUKE ARIKI
Coastal Walkway
To Be Continued

Friday, 12 December 2008


Di hari Jumaat yang mulia ni teringat musibah yang menimpa saudara2 di New Zealand ni. Sesungguhnya tidak cepat dan tidak lewat, jika itulah masa yang dijanjikan Allah maka tidak kira di mana jua berada maka ajal tetap tiba. Apa pun puncanya yang dikatakan sebagai sebab ... yang pasti semuanya adalah dalam catatan Allah. Kalau tiba2 aku mati saat ini .....bagaimana ya? Terlalu banyak tanda soal yang akan timbul, mungkin kerana banyaknya perkara yang belum diselesaikan. Takutnya ...... terbayang wajah anak2 yang tinggal. Siapa yang akan menyelesaikan? Terbayang wajah suami yang ditinggalkan .......terbayang wajah mama yang ditinggalkan? Terbayang berbagai2 perkara .......... Apakah persediaan yang sewajarnya untuk menghadapi kematian ini? Bagaimana mereka yang sentiasa sibuk mengejar dunia? Saban hari mengira harta/wang yang terkumpul, dengan harapan untuk berbuat kebajikan bila dah banyak, tapi tak sempat "terlalu banyak" ajal pun sampai. Ya Allah! Berilah kekuatan iman kepadaku agar tidak lalai dan alpa akan fitnah dunia ini.

Sunday, 7 December 2008

Armour Bay, Huia

Merenung langit nan biru .............Ikhwan
Menikmati kehijauan padang

Popcorn, Sushi, Tuna Crt, Jagung Bakar n Limau jadi hidangan

Ikhwan ngan Ummi

Bersedia untuk berenang

Best tempat ni, tak terlalu besar dan orang pun tak ramai. Yang pasti taklah ketara sangat pesta buah-buahan musim panas. Itu pun dah jenuh menjawab dan mendengar komentar anak-anak sedang membesar. Ini antara keburukan yang perlu dipelajari dan dihindari.

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Tetamu Dr Oz

Sepanjang minggu agak sibuk sikit sebab kami ada tetamu dari Perth, Australia. Beliau datang untuk conference di Auckland Uni. Seronok jugak bertukar2 cerita tentang kehidupan pelajar2 di Perth. Bezanya di Perth jumlah pelajar Postgrad nya lebih kurang 300 orang berbanding di Auckland ni yang baru nak tumbuh.

Monday, 1 December 2008

Thanks Mum

Alhamdulillah tuntutan pampasan untuk projek rumah terbengkalai dah pun selesai. Mama yang banyak tolong dalam hal ni. Susah payah dia gi K.L sampai sesat2 dan sampai lambat kat court tapi sudahnya berjaya. Sebenarnya dah lewat sebab menurut jiran2 yang duduk kat rumah tu, dia org semua dah tuntut lama dah. Jumlah tuntutan pulak berbeza2 mungkin ikut tempoh kot. Tuntutan perlu dibuat melalui Tribunal Pengguna, ini pun kebetulan diberitahu oleh salah sorang staf yang keje kat Projek Perumahan tu. Dulu baca dalam paper, tengok berita kat TV pasal mangsa rumah terbengkalai, sudahnya aku pun join skali. Tapi dah selesai ni legalah. Tak larat nak layan perkara2 yang macam ni lagi. Leceh betul. Sesungguhnya dunia ini memang melalaikan.

Sunday, 30 November 2008

Hmmmmm............lama tak menulis.

Sibuk? Tak jugak.

Sakit? Tak.

Komputer rosak? Taaak.

Kalau macam tu malas kot? Taaaaaaaaaaaaak. Tak malas.

Habis kenapa? Tak de mood jer.

Idea cuma bertapa di minda, kalau lama sikit boleh bersarang macam sarang labah2 tu. Banyak yang nak difikir dan banyak yang perlu dibuat. Jadi bila dah banyak2 sangat benda kena fikir dan buat maka kenalah duduk diam2 dan susun semula otak serta perancangan. Ada di antara perkara2 tersebut berkait dengan emosi maka kerana itulah semakin kacau bilau jadinya. Emosi jadi tak terkawal dan semua perancangan pun tak jadi.

Saturday, 29 November 2008

Makan, makan dan makan lagi

Badan besar tapi umur masih muda, sudahnya jadi mangsa.

Wah Pakcik Mohamad sengih kat ayam ke????

Khusyuk menjamu selera

Hidangan yang ada

Seperti biasa aktiviti MAPSA tak lari dari makan. Kenapa???? Tak dapeklah den nak menjawab...tu kena tanya organizer. Tujuan majlis adalah untuk meraikan kedatangan orang baru dan statistik Postgrad dah semakin ketara ramainya berbanding 2 tahun yang lalu. Seronok tengok anak2 berlari2 gembira dengan kawan2 yang punya sama "root"nya/akarnya iaitu dari bumi Malaysia. Meski jarang berjumpa, mudah sungguh anak2 bersosial sesama mereka berbanding orang dewasa. Untungnya jadi kanak-kanak ....tiada prejudis, luhurnya hati dan budi mereka.

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Happy Birthday Mama

Selamat hari Lahir Mama. Moga Allah berkati usia yang telah lalu dan akan datang. Moga Allah mudahkan urusan mama dan dimurahkan rezeki. Peluk cium dan rindu dari kami buat mama tercinta.

Sehari di MOTAT

Aqmar n Afiqah
Tengok warna merah2 ni teringat Melaka Bandaraya Bersejarah

Dah kena pasung kaki dan tangan


Di pintu masuk MOTAT

Kebetulan MOTAT buat promosi masuk percuma bagi bulan November maka peluang ini pun tidak dilepaskan. Anak2 walaupun dah berkali2 ke MOTAT masih juga nak ke sana. Jadi sebagai memenuhi sessi hujung minggu bersama keluarga maka aktiviti ini dilaksanakan. Aku gembira dengan aktiviti bersama keluarga ni memandangkan anak2 semakin membesar dan rasanya di sini, peluang ini terbuka luas. Aktiviti seperti ini menambahkan keakraban dan memberi peluang kami lebih mengenali mereka.